
How To Sew A Swimsuit With Free One-Piece Swimsuit Pattern

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Today on HappiestCamper, we are bringing you something we’ve never done before. We are going to show you How To Sew A Swimsuit With Free One-Piece Swimsuit Pattern! This cute swimsuit is a nice balance of modesty and style. This simple sewing tutorial shows you step by step how to make your own cute swimsuit just in time for summer. I always have the hardest time finding swimsuits that fit just right. The best thing about this fun sewing project that you will learn how to sew your own perfectly fitting swimsuit. No more dealing with swimsuits that are tight in some areas and loose in others. The included free one-piece swimsuit pattern shows you how to cut out your fabric to size this just right. I can’t wait to head to the beach and try this out in a few weeks!

If you are ready to grab your sunglasses and beach towel, gather up your supplies from the list below and make this fun swimsuit. Let’s get started!

How To Sew A Swimsuit With Free One-Piece Swimsuit Pattern

What You’ll Need:

swimsuit supplies

Size Chart:

Imperial (inches)SmallMediumLarge

Printing Instructions

This one-piece swimsuit pattern has layers, so that you can choose to print only the size you need. To achieve this Adobe Reader must be installed on your machine or device. Adobe Reader allows you to click on the layers icon which will show you each size with an eyeball beside it. Click on the eyeball beside the size you do not want to print. This sewing project not in the size you are looking for? Then check out our post on How to Scale a pattern up and down.

Before printing check that your printer is set to No scaling or Actual size. Set the Page orientation to Auto or Portrait. And then print page 1. Measure the 2” test square to see if it measures exactly 2”. If it does, print the remaining pages.

Trimming Pages

Cut off the right and top margins of each printed page before assembling the pattern. You can use tape or school glue to adhere your paper pattern together. 

Pattern Assembly

After the pages have been printed and trimmed as instructed above, use the quarter circles located at the corner of each page for perfect alignment.  When done your pattern should look like this: 

 swimsuit pattern

Pattern Pieces Checklist

Once you have printed and assembled your pattern. You will cut the following pieces. (The elastic length is provided in a cut chart and is not a pattern piece). 

Swimsuit Front Cut 1 main , 1 lining on fold
Swimsuit BackCut 1 main , 1 lining on fold
Neck TiesCut 2
Back TiesCut 4

Seam Allowance

Use a 3/8” seam allowance unless otherwise instructed.

How To Sew A Swimsuit With Free One-Piece Swimsuit Pattern

swimsuit pattern on fabric
swimsuit pattern on fabric

The first step on this how to sew a swimsuit with free one-piece swimsuit pattern tutorial is to use your pattern to cut out your fabric pieces. Print and assemble your pattern with the instructions included above and cut out your fabric according to the cut list.

pinning front and back of swimsuit together

With right sides together, pin the front and the back of the swimsuit at the crotch and also at the side seams. Do the same for the swimsuit lining. (I am using the same fabric for both layers)”

pinning swimsuit neckties

Place two neckties right sides together and pin. Fold the neckties in half right sides together and pin. 

sewn swimsuit neckties

Sew the back ties together, you will leave the wider end unsewn. Sew the neckties along the long edge. 

sew swimsuit together at crotch

Now on this how to sew a swimsuit with free one-piece swimsuit pattern tutorial, we will start putting it all together. Sew the swimsuit together at the crotch and the side seams. Repeat for the lining.

turn swimsuit neck and back ties right side out

Turn the neckties and the back ties right sides out 

pin neckties to swimsuit and sew

Pin the neckties to your main swimsuit fabric at the center of the shoulder and pin the back ties to the center of the back of the swimsuit. We are about halfway through this how to sew a swimsuit with free one-piece swimsuit pattern tutorial!

pin swimsuit pieces together

Turn one of the swimsuit pieces right side out and the other wrong side out. Insert the right side out piece into the wrong side out piece, pinning along the neck, back and arms. 

sew swimsuit

Sew the swimsuit together ensuring to catch the neck and back ties in the seam allowances.  You will sew at the neck, armholes and back of the swimsuit. 

turn swimsuit leg opening right side out

Reach inside through one of the leg openings and turn the swimsuit right side out.

sew swimsuit leg opening elastic

Baste the leg opening together with a straight stitch, you will sew together both the main and the lining fabrics in this step.

pin elastic togehter

Now on this how to sew a swimsuit with free one-piece swimsuit pattern tutorial, we will add the elastic. Measure around the upper portion of your thigh and cut your elastic 75% of that measurement. Overlap the elastic by 1/2” and sew the two short ends together. 

pin elastic to opening

Divide the leg opening of the swimsuit into quarters, also divide your elastic into quarters. Pin the elastic to the lining of the swimsuit, matching the quarter points of the elastic with the quarter points of the swimsuit.

sew elastic to fabric

Sew the elastic through all layers with a wide and long zigzag stitch. You will need to stretch the elastic as you sew. 

pin elastic to swimsuit lining

Fold the leg wrong sides together so that the elastic is now on the swimsuit lining. 

sew around entire leg of swimsuit

For the last step in this how to sew a swimsuit with free one-piece swimsuit pattern tutorial, pin around the entire leg and sew using a 2.5 by 2.5 zigzag stitch. You will need to stretch the swimsuit as you sew.  Repeat for the other leg.

finished swimsuit

And that’s it! Now you know how to sew a swimsuit with free one-piece swimsuit pattern!

Easy DIY Swimsuit Sewing Tutorial

If you liked learning how to sew a swimsuit with free one-piece swimsuit pattern, make sure to pin it to your favorite Pinterest board or share it with friends on social media. If you decide to make this simple project on your own, make certain that you take a picture afterward and tag us on social media as we love seeing the fabrics and color choices that people use!

Yield: 1

How To Sew A Swimsuit With Free One-Piece Swimsuit Pattern

Swimsuit create card

Get ready for summer by making your own cute swimsuit! We show you how! The included free pattern will give you confidence to sew this for the perfect fit!

Prep Time 5 minutes
Active Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 5 minutes
Difficulty Easy


    1. With right sides together, pin the front and the back of the swimsuit at the crotch and also at the side seams. Do the same for the swimsuit lining.
    2. Also place two neckties right sides together and pin . Fold the neck ties in half right sides together and pin.
    3. Sew the back ties together, you will leave the wider end unsewn. Sew the neck ties along the long edge.
    4. Sew the swimsuit together at the crotch and the side seams. Repeat for the lining.
    5. Turn the neck ties and the back ties right sides out
    6. Pin the neckties to your main swimsuit fabric at the center of the shoulder and pin the back ties to the centre of the back of the swimsuit.
    7. Turn on of the swimsuit pieces right side out and the other wrong side out. Insert the right side out piece into the wrong side out piece, pinning along the neck, back and arms.
    8. Sew the swimsuit together ensuring to catch the neck and backties in the seam allowances. You will sew at the neck, armholes and back of the swimsuit.
    9. Reach inside through one of the leg openings and turn the swimsuit right side out.
      Baste the leg opening together with a straight stitch, you will sew together both the main and the lining fabrics in this step.
    10. Measure around the upper portion of your thigh and cut your elastic 75% of that measurement. Overlap the elastic by 1/2” and sew the two short ends together.
    11. Divide the leg opening of the swimsuit into quarters, also divide your elastic into quarters.
    12. Pin the elastic to the lining of the swimsuit , matching the quarter points of the elastic with the quarter points of the swimsuit.
    13. Sew the elastic through all layers with a wide and long zigzag stitch. You will need to stretch the elastic as you sew.
      Fold the leg wrong sides together so that the elastic is now on the swimsuit lining.
    14. Pin around the entire leg and sew using a 2.5 by 2.5 zigzag stitch. You will need to stretch the swimsuit as you sew. Repeat for the other leg.
    15. Enjoy Your Swimsuit!
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