
Healthy Nutrition for Chickens

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Healthy Nutrition for Chickens

Just like people, chickens need water and nourishment to thrive. What goes into a chicken’s body directly relates to their own health and their egg health. Those are important when thinking about raising chickens for meat or eggs that will be consumed by you and your family. How do you … Read More

Preventing and Treating Coccidiosis in Chickens

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Backyard chickens are easy to keep when you have the essentials in place to keep them healthy. Sometimes, however, chickens get sick just like any other living being. The most common chicken ailment is called Coccidiosis, often known as Cocci (pronounced cox-y). Preventing and treating the condition is possible when … Read More

5 Things You Need to Raise Healthy Chickens

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Raise Healthy Chickens

Whether you start your flock by hatching eggs, buying chicks or getting adults, you will need five basic items to raise healthy chickens. This post will help guide you on what is needed right away and what you may have some time to get. Should I start with the chicken … Read More

Backyard Chickens – Everything You Need to Know

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Healthy Nutrition for Chickens

Are you thinking about getting backyard chickens? They can be a great addition to your family as both pets and a source of food, but there are some things to consider before getting chickens. Does your city or town allow them? Where will you keep them? Will they be safe … Read More

Chicken Plants: Plants to Grow for Healthy Chickens

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Garden Starts Plants to Grow for Healthy Chickens

Did you know you can grow plants to ensure the health of your chickens? Several flowers, greens, berries and even vegetables can add to a chicken’s well being in a variety of ways. Chances are a garden is already in the works on your homestead, so why not incorporate some … Read More