I had thought about making this sewing tutorial before but due to the times we are in I decided to get on this DIY face mask and share it with yall. I typically make and use these when I am outside dealing with the chickens on dusty days or working out in the yard. These are easy to make face masks and some of the materials can be swapped for what you have on hand. In this tutorial of how to sew a face mask, it is just one way to make a face mask there are a few. If you don’t have the specific materials mentioned you can always use what you have on hand as for personal use something is better than nothing.

This project doesn’t take a whole lot of materials to make so If you’re anything like me, you’ve got fabric scraps or fat quarters in abundance just laying around that you may be able to use to sew a face mask. This is an easier sewing project, so even if you have never sewn you should be able to follow this DIY face mask tutorial to make it within 15 to 20 minutes. Let’s get started sewing this face mask.

- Two coordinating tightly woven cotton fabrics (or use the same fabric for front and back)
- 1/8” flat elastic or round elastic cording
- Rotary cutter and mat
- Sewing Pins or clips
- Thread
- Scissors
- Turning tool (I love the Purple Thing from Amazon!)
- As with most sewing projects you will need an iron, ironing board, and sewing machine.
Remember when it comes to the materials to sew a face mask if you don’t have elastic you can use ribbon instead. Make sure the ribbon is left long that way it can fit various size faces. Also for the fabric, it is Ideal to use tightly woven cotton fabrics, but if you are making it for yourself, you may just have to use what you have on hand.

Wash, dry and iron the fabric of your choice. I have found that the end result has fewer flaws when I pre-prep my fabrics with wash, dry and press. Remember you can always customize the fabrics to your liking or just use whatever fabrics you have on hand. Now on to the measuring, cutting and sewing of the face mask.

Now you will need to measure and cut your fabric and elastic. Depending on the size of the person will depend on how much fabric you need for the face mask. To make this easier on you I have classified the sizes for an adult and one for a child as that should fit most. So you will need to measure and cut the fabric for you or the person you are making it for. You will need:

- Adult face mask size: two 9” x 6” rectangles of fabric and two 7” strips of elastic (black and black/white pattern are adult sizes)
- Child face mask size: two 7.5” x 5” rectangles of fabric and two 6” strips of elastic (pink is a child’s size)

If you are using rounded elastic, you’ll want to tie a knot at the end. You DON’T need a knot in the flat elastic.

The next step in sewing a face mask is to place one layer of fabric right side up in front of you.

In the top two corners, pin the elastic so the edge is poking out of the right and left edges and the bulk of the elastic is pointed towards the inside of the rectangle.

In sewing a face mask we will then sew the elastic. Stitch a zig-zag stitch over the rounded elastic or a straight stitch in an “x” shape on the flat elastic.

Once the top corners of the elastic are sewn, pin the other end of the elastic on the bottom corners of the same rectangle. Sew again in the same fashion as the top corners. Now on to the next step in how to sew a face mask.

Place your other piece of fabric face down on top of the rectangle with the sewn elastic. Pin or clip all the way around. When sewing, you’ll need to leave a 3” gap on one side – it can be helpful to designate this gap with pins.

Starting on one side of your designated gap, sew with a ¼” seam allowance all the way around the rectangle to the other side of the gap. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of your stitches.

Through the hole, you left, flip the rectangles right side out. Your elastic should come to the outside of the rectangles now. Carefully push out the corners using a turning tool and tuck in the edges of fabric in the hole you left. Now press the rectangle for crisp edges.

On one short side of the rectangle, pinch the middle between your thumb and pointer finger. Then fold it down and pin the fold, creating a “tuck.” Above the first fold, repeat this process to create a second “tuck.” Again, repeat below the original first “tuck” for the third “tuck.” See the face mask photos for more detail. Be sure each tuck is pinned and repeat the process for the opposite short edge of the rectangle.

Pin or clip the hole opening as well. Then, very close to the edge of the rectangle, stitch all the way around the mask. This will close the hole opening, as well as make the whole mask lay flatter.

All done, now you know how to sew a face mask! Once you get the hang of it, it goes rather quickly. I can attest these work great for helping to keep that dust out of your nose and mouth on those windy days of tending to animals or doing yard work. You can whip up a whole batch for your entire family, friends or healthcare workers you may know!

If you liked how to sew a face mask tutorial make sure to pin it to your favorite Pinterest board or share it with friends on social media. If you decide to make the face mask take a picture afterward and tag us on social media as we love seeing the fabrics and color choices others make.
Sew a Face Mask

Keep the dust and wind out of your nose and mouth with this easy to make face mask. Once you make a few you are able to make them quickly as this face mask is a simple sew.
- Wash, dry and iron the fabric.
- Measure and cut your fabric and elastic. See Notes for Sizing.
- If you are using rounded elastic, you’ll want to tie a knot at the end. You DON’T need a knot in the flat elastic.
- Place one layer of fabric right side up in front of you. In the top two corners, pin the elastic so the edge is poking out of the right and left edges and the bulk of the elastic is pointed towards the inside of the rectangle. See photos for more detail.
- Stitch a zig-zag stitch over the rounded elastic or a straight stitch in an “x” shape on the flat elastic. Again, see photos for detail.
- Once the top corners of the elastic are sewn, pin the other end of the elastic on the bottom corners of the same rectangle. Sew again in the same fashion as the top corners.
- Place your other piece of fabric face down on top of the rectangle with the sewn elastic. Pin or clip all the way around. When sewing, you’ll need to leave a 3” gap on one side – it can be helpful to designate this gap with pins.
- Starting on one side of your designated gap, sew with a ¼” seam allowance all the way around the rectangle to the other side of the gap. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of your stitches.
- Through the hole you left, flip the rectangles right side out. Your elastic should come to the outside of the rectangles now. Carefully push out the corners using a turning tool and tuck in the edges of fabric in the hole you left. Now press the rectangle for crisp edges.
- On one short side of the rectangle, pinch the middle between your thumb and pointer finger. Then fold it down and pin the fold, creating a “tuck.” Above the first fold, repeat this process to create a second “tuck.” Again, repeat below the original first “tuck” for the third “tuck.” See photos for more detail. Be sure each tuck is pinned and repeat the process for the opposite short edge of the rectangle.
- Pin or clip the hole opening as well. Then, very close to the edge of the rectangle, stitch all the way around the mask. This will close the hole opening, as well as make the whole mask lay flatter.
- Enjoy your Face Mask!